I have downloaded a scientific article about the legend of Devil Bridge at Google Scholar.
You can read the article by Dr. Carme Oriol from the University Rovira I Virgili here.
There are twenty seven versions in Catalonia of the topic of the Devil building a bridge in one night in exchange for a soul of a victim.
Inside and outside Europe this theme is widespread in the tradition of many countries around the world
Here's how you can see images from Devil's Bridge legends from different countries:
Image from a German tradicional tale
Picture from a Italian tradicional tale
It's a greece bridge
It's a greece bridge
It's another greece bridge
Image from a Turkey tradicional tale
This is the image from a czech story that represents a bridge, supposedly the devil's bridge
It is a devil's bridge in bulgaria, but the message is in russian
This is a bridge located in Italy, it is famous because at night its shadow from the reodnod arch projects a very beautiful image